Celebrate the 4th!
Fireworks will be held on July 4, 2024
$25 at the gate
$20 prior to the 4th
Wristbands will be required to enter West Beach all day on the 4th for the fireworks! Only West Beach Sticker holders may enter the beach on July 4th prior to 5pm. After 5pm non-sticker holders with wrist bands will be allowed on the beach for the fireworks.
Fireworks at West Beach Rules
We will again be imposing strict security measures for the fireworks. These are necessary for crowd control purposes and are needed to obtain the proper permits from the safety authorities. Therefore, absolutely NO Alcoholic Beverages and NO Glass Containers will be allowed on West Beach during the day of the fireworks. Also, all coolers and containers must be removed from the Beach by 7 p.m. on that day. Furthermore, no fireworks, firecrackers, or sparklers will be allowed. As in the past, uniformed officers of the law will be enforcing the rules. Violators couldbeejectedandsubjecttoprosecution.
Security will be particularly tight at the entrance gate and the private properties along the beach up to and including Prides Beach.
Traffic Restrictions for the Fireworks
In order to protect your interests and provide emergency access to West Beach and several surrounding streets, the Beverly Police have requested that certain sections of the Farms be closed to vehicular traffic by 7:00 p.m. on the night of the fireworks.
The affected streets are: WEST St, VINE St, OAK St, GROVE St, BEACH St, VALLEY St, JUNIPER St, HALE St (from the corner of Hale and Haskell to Lee’s Crossing), EVERETT St, HIGH St, and HART St (from the corner of Haskell and Hart to Hale).
Only residents of those streets who can prove they live in the affected area will be permitted to drive into those areas. Proof will be provided by car registration only, not a driver’s license.
Traffic will be allowed to flow from Manchester along Hale Street to Hart Street, but traffic going to Man- chester will be stopped and told to use Route 128.